Through our training you will learn the in’s and out’s of handling a gun safely. From loading the magazine, to firing the weapon, and taking it apart to clean it. Learning to handle a gun safely is one of the most important parts of our training to make sure your gun only fires when and in the direction you intend. 

Gun Safety Tips For Everyone

Gun safety is pretty easy if you always remember it and follow the four cardinal rules. Ignoring these rules and exhibiting careless behavior can have tragic consequences.

Cardinal Gun Rules  

With the addition of millions of new gun owners in this country over the past couple of months, it is time to revisit a quick lesson in gun safety. Gun safety is not just for the new gun owners out there. Gun safety is for everyone! Carelessness gets people killed. The man in this video is lucky he didn’t kill himself or someone else. Instead, he lost a finger because of his negligence.

Everything about the surveillance video here screams that the police officer shopping for a gun is not paying attention to any of the four cardinal rules of gun safety. To recap, the rules are:

  1. Treat every gun as if it is loaded.
  2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have made a conscious decision to fire.
  3. Do not point the muzzle of the gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
  4. Know your target and what is beyond your target.